I don't know if she became famous because of his pictures documenting Picasso's life or because of her work as a war correspondent. Anyway, she catched me during my visiting at MACBA (Contemporary Museum of Catalunya). If I were a photographer I would like to be just like her!
eu estava na dúvida se vc falava português, no comentário abaixo vi que sim. Sou brasileiro, meu inglês é fraquinho. gosto muito do seu blog, adoro fotografia.
Awesome and disturbing work. I knew the last two pictures. If I remeber correctly, the two guys knelling were german officers, after the end of WWII. Your blog is fantastic.
Happy you like it and read it, Alex! I ordered a Lee Miller's book at Amazon. com. I'm looking foward to see the pictures. I will post here when it arrive. Tks for the comment.
very nice this pictures. I like very much the history of spanish civil war . Was the power of the people.
eu estava na dúvida se vc falava português, no comentário abaixo vi que sim. Sou brasileiro, meu inglês é fraquinho. gosto muito do seu blog, adoro fotografia.
rsrsrs relaxa luiz. Sou Brazuca. Mas a maioria das pessoas que entram aqui são gringas!
Awesome and disturbing work. I knew the last two pictures. If I remeber correctly, the two guys knelling were german officers, after the end of WWII. Your blog is fantastic.
Happy you like it and read it, Alex! I ordered a Lee Miller's book at Amazon. com. I'm looking foward to see the pictures. I will post here when it arrive. Tks for the comment.
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