It must be only a coincidence, but after I've started to read Zlata's Diary, a journey of a 12-year-old girl from Sarajevo during the days of shells and destruction, I've been finding a lot of interesting stuff about the city in other books and mags.
The last one, was about the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun. It is in Dazed and Confused latest issue. I've got impressed to know that there's a pyramid bigger than the one in Egypt in the middles of the Balkans and the archeologists just realize that years ago.
"Visoko is named after the Visoki Castle and the town of Visoki, which occupied Visočica hill, Podvisoki, Mile (today's Arnautovići), Biskupići and Moštre — together known as Visoko valley. Visoki and its castle were the center of the once powerful medieval Bosnian kingdom. Many historical charters were made and written in Visoko valley, including the charter of first Bosnian king Tvrtko I Kotromanić in 1355, in castro nostro Vizoka vocatum.
A site known as Visočica hill, in the Bosnia-Herzegovina town of Visoko, northwest of Sarajevo, became the focus of international attention in October 2005, following highly controversial claims that it is actually an ancient man-made pyramid, the so-called Bosnian pyramids."
2The 213 metre Visočica hill, once the centre of the medieval Bosnian capital Visoki, has a generally symmetrical pyramid-like shape when viewed from certain angles. The idea that it constitutes an ancient artificial edifice was publicised by Houston-based expatriate Bosnian author and metalworker Semir Osmanagić, whose subsequent excavations at the site have uncovered what he claims to be a paved entrance plateau and tunnels, as well as stone blocks and ancient mortar which he has suggested once covered the structure. Osmanagić has claimed that the dig involved an international team of archaeologists from Australia, Austria, Bosnia, Scotland and Slovenia, however many archaeologists named have stated they had not agreed to participate and were not at the site. The dig began in April 2006."
Hi Stephanie,
As you can probably see already, there has been a lot of negativity out there concerning the legitimacy of the Bosnian Pyramids. This is mostly coming from opponents who have never visited the site, and of the few who have done so, most of them did not research or study it properly.
However, this August, all that will be put to rest when the Archaeology Park Bosnian Pyramid of the Foundation, in conjunction with some leading Egyptian archaeologists and other scientists and experts around the world meet in Sarajevo August 25 -30, 2008 to present their research findings about the Bosnian Pyramids. If you would like more information about this please go to the official conference website at http://www.icbp.com.
Certain so-called experts are opposing the project because they are afraid it might be true and they have staked their reputations by vehemently and publicly opposing it from the start, and in some cases have been harrassing and threatening those associated with the Foundation or assisting with the project. You will see what I mean as you start researching it more thoroughly.
And by the way, Semir owns a very successful metalworking business in Houston and has completed his thesis for a PhD in Mayan culture. Now if the professors at the University of Sarajevo, who are fiercely opposing him will just grant him the degree that he has already earned, then he will be able to ad PhD to his other degrees: M.Sc., B.Sc.Ecc., B.Sc. P.Sc.
Thanks for your interest in the Bosnian Pyramids!
Gray Lady
truly amazing. never heard of it, even though I drove from austria to bosnia in 2003. it´s quite a surrealistic place, so that the story
of the piramid, true or not, fits perfectly.
Did you really go there Alex? Amazing!!! It's somewhere I definately want to go!
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